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Attraits et activités

Le Jardin Moore

When you visit the Moore garden, Mother Earth will give you the best of her beauty. Come to relax or to recharge your batteries. Discover the philosophy and the life of the Moore gardens founder, William Dyson Moore, and take some stuffs for your gardening. 

What awaits you

Mature trees, shrubs and conifers, 120 varieties of perennials and annuals, 15000 spring bulbs, a major new collection of lilacs, Dyson Moore Iris and all of this on 5.5 acres situated alongside the Mascouche River. You will learn how to easily convert to ecological methods for your own gardening

At the interpretation centre, discover the story of the life of William Dyson Moore and his wife Dora Casement, their relationship with Hazel Colville, owner of the Manoir Seugneurial, and their involvement in the urban development of Mascouche. Also of course learn the history of the garden.


The objective of the founder , when he started in 1985, was to demonstrate how a garden could be created and flourish using simple, totally ecological techniques. Moore Garden have earned their stripes, winning recognition in fields such as  environment, horticulture and tourism. The flowers growing in this garden attain exceptional height and strength with little or no watering.

Eco-responsible practices

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